Experience Information:
January 1992 – Present, The Founder and the Chairman of;
Arkem Kimya A.S. & Arkem Endustriyel Kimya A.S. in Istanbul and its subsidiary companies in Shanghai- China, Houston- U.S.A., Utrecht- Holland andSofia- Bulgaria
Altintel Port and Terminal Services A.S., Istanbul
Gokbil Lojistik A.S. and Gokbil Tank Container A.S., Istanbul
July 1987 - December 1991, General Manager, Westrade Limited, London, United Kingdom
January 1983 - June 1987, Export Manager , DYO Boya Fabrikalari A.Ş., Izmir,Turkey
February 1980 – December 1982, Head of Export & Import Dpt., Dewilux Boya Fab. A.Ş., Izmir, Turkey